For too long the "trolls" under the bridge have dominated the politics in this great state. The government of this State of Michigan in no way reflects the values of this our great state of SUPERIORLAND! Yes, citizens I am renewing the call for secession from this state of Michigan. As citizens of Superiorland we understand that the Upper peninsula has a unique cultural heritage that is separate and distinct from those people that live under the bridge.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Announcement: Copper beats out Seaborgium to become Superiorland State Mineral!

(Yooper In Exile, MI 11/15/2005)
To honor the opening of deer hunting season in Michigan, SISU (Supporters of Independence for SUperiorland) announced that Copper will be named the state mineral of Superiorland once independence has been acheived.
"Copper is already part of the culture history of Superiorland; it was a natural choice" said SISU in a statement Tuesday morning.
Copper beat out Seaborgium ( a radioactive element and the only element to be named for the discoveree, a Superiorland native) by a vote of 11 to 1, hosted on SISU's website.
"SISU is very happy with the choice of copper to be the future state's mineral" said a spokesperson for SISU.
"Afterall, Seaborgium is radioactive and not actually found in nature. It would be kinda hokey to just paint rocks purple and call it Seaborgium. On the other hand, we can certainly sell copper nuggets and the like to tourists. Heck, the infrastructure is already in place on roadside shops all over the Superiorland. As the state mineral, we can start charging a premium."

Copper (Cu) also beat out "Favre" and "The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)" to become state mineral, most likely due to royalty concerns.


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