For too long the "trolls" under the bridge have dominated the politics in this great state. The government of this State of Michigan in no way reflects the values of this our great state of SUPERIORLAND! Yes, citizens I am renewing the call for secession from this state of Michigan. As citizens of Superiorland we understand that the Upper peninsula has a unique cultural heritage that is separate and distinct from those people that live under the bridge.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Q&A:Hold on. Won't this superhighway encourage development?

Now that Superiorland is another state altogether, we can start charging "Trolls" more money for the privelege of living here. People with existing residences can choose to move to Superiorland or face a stiff increase in property taxes. People who want to live in Superiorland year-round should be able to do so without having property values infalted by trolls and the like.


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