For too long the "trolls" under the bridge have dominated the politics in this great state. The government of this State of Michigan in no way reflects the values of this our great state of SUPERIORLAND! Yes, citizens I am renewing the call for secession from this state of Michigan. As citizens of Superiorland we understand that the Upper peninsula has a unique cultural heritage that is separate and distinct from those people that live under the bridge.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Q&A: What is this SuperHighway you speak of?

As the new 50th state (we support Hawaii's secession from the U.S) we will be entitled to a disproportional amount of federal highway monies. This will allow the building of a Super highway from near St.Ignace to Ironwood, running along where M-28 is located. Spurs will allow easy access to Escanaba and Marquette and from Marquett to Baraga and on to Houghton/Calumet. Most of the cost will be material and overhead as the labor will come from violators of our bottle deposit law. The highway will be 6 lanes of heated concrete and contain two lanes with no maximum speed but a minimum speed of 90 mph; these lanes will be open only in the summer months. A toll of $20 will be charged for access to these high speed lanes. High walls will be built on either side to prevent deer and other wildlife from entering the highway and right-of-ways will be tunneled out to allow wildilife to cross underneath.
It is SISU's belied that this highway will encourage enrollment at S.T.U. and S.S.U.


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