Letter to "The Colbert Report"
Mr.Colbert, I noticed on your map of congressional districts that the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is excluded. I can only infer through this omission that you support secession of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and the creation of Superiorland. Thank you for having the sisu to take such a bold stand; your support will help our cause greatly. While “The Colbert Report” projects an air of maturity well beyond your 12 episodes, it might be worthwhile to point out during your spotlight on congressional districts that the Superiorland movement in no way supports secession from this great nation of the United States of America. As your great moral divining rod has no doubt indicated, the citizens of Superiorland seek only to be recognized for their unique culture and REAL American values. Not those of Hollywood liberal-elite transplants in Chelsea, ivory-tower academics in Ann Arbor, the union bosses in Detroit or their lackeys in Lansing. Grand Rapids is OK, but they suffer from unfortunate geographic placement. Regardless, as an activist for this cause I feel our message cannot be ambiguous: Statehood for Superiorland!
STFU u yooper! Metro Detroit is the place buttwhipe! We have it all! Do you have malls fifteen minutes from your house... NO!!! TREES TREES AND MORE TREES BECAUSE YOU ARE IN BFE!! You rely on us "trolls" as you call us! But last time I checked, you have no economy! Mining is dead! NON EXISTANT!!! I love the UP but what you are saying is wrong! If you think that the UP should leave the great LP fine, but do not trash us because we are so much more modern than you, deer pretty much out number people up there because up in the UP all there is is forest no big cities, Marquette does not count! The only place that is bad in the LP is Lansing, but Detroit and Ann Arbor are the best places to live. Sure some people have such a big ego that they drive hybrids and smell their own farts and live in million dolar mansions that they cannot afford! So if you hate us who support you yoopers on welfare, move to
Wisconsin or Canada. Better yet Canada because you talk the same way! GO F U C K YOURSELF!!!
9:45 PM
Greetings from Wisconsin. There are many of us in the Badger State who are saddened by the conservative, neo-fascist corporate empire that has arisen in Washington. Seceding from the union with northern Michigan sounds wonderful. Only, maybe you should consider joining Wisconsin. The UP has a lot more in common with Madison, than it does with Detroit. Plus, we all know you wouldn't be voting on a green and gold flag, and Leinie's for beer, if you didn't already share a lot in common with your brothers in the southwest. Forward!
7:37 PM
and its people like you, anonymous who make want to get rid of you moaning trolls
10:50 PM
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