Q & A: S.S.U? S.T.U? Will Superiorland start a new university system?
Inevitably, MTU and NMU will need to be renamed. Michigan Technological University will become Superiorland Technological University, likewise Northern Michigan University, no longer quite so northern will become Superiorland State University. LSSU will remain Lake Superior State University.
Don't hate on SISU, it's just an idea. Superiorlanders can get together and discuss this after secession.
This link is proof that the name "Lake Superior State University" (LSSU) is a SHAM! They are not *Lake Superior* State University, because they are not ON Lake Superior. Now, they can rename themselves "Superior Land State University" and be SLSU, or Superior State University and SSU. This to me is acceptable. Even if they decided to represent Lake Huron (LHSU) would be a bold and admirable move. Not! "Lake Superior" State University. It's not their fault, granted, but they are not on the greatest lake of them all, and their name should reflect that.
10:38 AM
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