For too long the "trolls" under the bridge have dominated the politics in this great state. The government of this State of Michigan in no way reflects the values of this our great state of SUPERIORLAND! Yes, citizens I am renewing the call for secession from this state of Michigan. As citizens of Superiorland we understand that the Upper peninsula has a unique cultural heritage that is separate and distinct from those people that live under the bridge.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


On the Monday's (11/28/05) Colber Report. Stephen took a call from "Mustcard County, Michigan" The caller, obviously not a supporter of UP Secession, pointed out the missing Superiorland. Stephen then went on to back-hand our cause saying that "if it's not on my map, it must be Canada"

Update: On a recent Colbert report (week week of 12/1) Steven interviewed a congresswoman from somewhere outiside of troll central (Detroit). The map of the congressional districts and the map of Michigan included the Upper Peninsula as part of the 1st district. No word yet on how this move affects Mr. Colbert's position on UP secession.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has a point, it doesn't exist. This will never happen and is a waste of internet space. With the lower half, you would be nothing. I don't like Detroit either but we deal with it.

10:02 PM


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